Simply the best AFM for
Media & Substrate Manufacturing

Scan range

XY Scan Range: 100X100 µm,
Z Scan Range: 15 µm

Sample size

Up to 150 mm Wafer

Simply the best AFM for
automatic defect review
and surface roughness

The task of identifying nanoscale defects is a very
time consuming process for engineers working with
media and flat substrates. Park NX-HDM is an atomic
force microscopy system that speeds up the defect
review process by an order of magnitude through
automated defect identification, scanning and
analysis. Park NX-HDM links directly with a wide
range of optical inspection tools, thus significantly
increasing the automatic defect review throughput.
In addition, Park NX-HDM provides accurate sub-angstrom surface roughness measurements, scan after scan.
Park NX-HDM, together with its industry's
lowest noise floor, and its unique True Non-Contact™
technology, it is the most accurate AFM for surface roughness measurement in the market.

Automatic Defect Review for Media
and Substrates

  • Fast defect imaging in non-contact mode
  • Automated survey scan of defects mapped by optical inspection tools
  • Automated zoom-in scan of specified defects
  • Automated analysis of imaged defect types
  • Links to a wide range of automated optical inspection (AOI) tools

Accurate Sub-Angstrom Surface
Roughness Measurement

  • Automated surface roughness measurements for media and substrates
  • Industry’s lowest system noise of less than 0.5 angstrom rms
  • Immunity from parameter-dependent results by True Non-Contact™ technology
  • True Non-Contact™ maintains accuracy without degradation in scan resolution
  • Automatic tip exchange module (optional)

Cost Savings with True Non-Contact™

  • 10 times or longer tip life during general purpose and defect imaging than any other AFMs
  • Minimal tip wear from prolonged high-quality scans
  • Minimized sample damage or modification

Accurate AFM Topography with Low
Noise Z Detector

  • True Sample Topography™ without edge overshoot or piezo creep error
  • Accurate surface height recording, even during high-speed scanning
  • Industry leading forward and backward scan gap of less than 0.15%

Automatic Defect Review for Media and Substrates

Higher Throughput,
Automatic Defect Review

The Automatic Defect Review (Park ADR) in the NX-HDM speeds up and improves the way defects in
substrates and media are identif ied, scanned,
and analyzed. Using the defect location map
provided from an optical inspection tool, Park ADR
automatically goes to e ach of those locations,
and images the defects in two steps :

(1) image a larger, survey scan to refine the defect location
(2) then image a smaller zoom-in scan to obtain the details of the defect.

Test runs with real defects demonstrate a 10x
increase in throughput for defect review in an
automated process compared to conventional methods.

Automated Search Scan & Zoom-in Scan

Optimized scan parameters enable a fast two
step scan :

(1) a quick, low resolution search scan to locate the defect
(2) a high resolution zoom-in scan to obtain defect details.

The scan size and scan speed parameters are adjustable to match the user’s need.

Automatic Transfer and Alignment of Defect Maps to AFM

Utilizing an advanced proprietary mapping
algorithm, the defect map obtained from
automated optical inspection (AOI) tool is
accurately transferred and mapped onto Park NX-HDM. This technology allows full automation for
high throughput defect imaging.

Accurate Sub-Angstrom
Surface Roughness

Sub-Angstrom, Surface Roughness

Increasingly, industries require ultra-flat media and
substrate to address the ever-shrinking device
dimensions. Park NX-HDM provides accurate
sub-angstrom surface roughness measurements,
scan after scan.
Park NX-HDM, together with its industry’s lowest
noise floor, and its unique True Non-Contact™
technology, it is the most accurate AFM for surface
roughness measurement in the market.

True Non-Contact™ Mode

True Non-Contact™ Mode

True Non-Contact™ Mode is a scan mode unique
to Park AFM systems that produces high resolution
and accurate data by preventing destructive tip-sample interaction during a scan.

Accurate Feedback by Faster Z-servo enables
True Non-Contact AFM

  • Less tip wear → Prolonged high-resolution scan
  • Non-destructive tip-sample interaction → Minimized sample modification
  • Maintains non-contact scan over a wide range of samples and conditions

Unlike in contact mode, where the tip contacts
the sample continuously during a scan, or in
tapping mode, where the tip touches the sample
periodically, a tip used in non-contact mode does
not touch the sample. Because of this, use of non-contact mode has several key advantages.
Scanning at the highest resolution throughout
imaging is now possible as the tip’s sharpness is maintained.

Accurate AFM Scan by
True Non-Contact™ Mode

True Sample Topography™
without piezo creep error

  • Low noise Z detector signal is used for topography
  • Low Z detector noise of 0.02 nm over large bandwidth
  • No edge overshoot at the leading and trailing edges
  • Calibration needs to be done only once at the factory

Park NX-HDM features

Utilizing a powerful combination of high resolution
digital CCD camera and pattern recognition
software, a fully automated pattern recognition
and alignment is made possible for user applications.

The NX-HDM is equipped with automated software
that makes operation nearly effortless. Just select
the desired measurement program to get precise
multi-site analysis with optimized setting for
cantilever tuning, scan rate, gain, and set point
parameters as a recipe.

Park's user-friendly software interface gives you
the flexibility to create customized operation
routines (recipes) so you can access the full power
of the NX-HDM and get the measurements you need.

Creating new recipes is easy. It takes about 10
minutes to create a new routine from scratch, or
less than 5 minutes to modify an existing one.

Park NX-HDM provides these:

  • Auto, semi-auto, and manual mode so you have complete control
  • Editable measurement method for each automated routine
  • Live monitoring of the measurement process
  • Automatic analysis of acquired measurement data

The XY scanner consists of symmetrical 2-dimensional flexure and high-force piezoelectric
stacks that provide high orthogonal movement
with minimal out-of-plane motion as well as the
high responsiveness essential for precise sample
scanning in the nanometer scale.

Two symmetric, low-noise position sensors are
incorporated on each axis of the XY scanner to
retain high scan orthogonality for the largest
scan ranges and sample sizes. The secondary
sensor corrects and compensates for non-linear
and non-planar positional errors caused by a
single sensor alone.

Driven by a high-force piezoelectric stack and
guided by a flexure structure, the standard Z
scanner has a high resonant frequency of more
than 9 kHz (typically 10.5 kHz) and Z-servo speed
of more than 48 mm/sec tip velocity which enables
accurate feedback. The maximum Z scan range
can be extended from 15um to 40um with the
optional long scan range Z scanner.

The industry leading low noise Z detector replaces
the applied Z voltage as the Topography signal. In
addition, the low noise XY closed loop scan
minimizes the forward and backward scan gap to
be less than 0.15% of the scan range.

To detect the smallest sample features, and image
the flattest surfaces, Park has engineered the
industry’s lowest noise floor specification of < 0.5
Å. The noise floor data is determined using a “zero
scan.” The system noise is measured with the
cantilever in contact with the sample surface at a
single point under the following conditions :

  • 0 nm x 0 nm scan, staying at one point.
  • 0.5 gain in contact mode
  • 256 x 256 pixels

Park HDM Options

Automatic Measurement Control

Automated software makes the NX-HDM operation
effortless. Measurement recipes provide multi-site
analysis with optimized settings for cantilever
tuning, scan rate, gain, and set point
parameters. The system software for automation
executes the sample measurement by following a
preset procedure written in a recipe file. Park's
user-friendly software interface provides operator
with a flexibility to perform various system-wide
functions. It takes about 10 minutes to create a
new recipe from scratch, or less than 5 minutes to
modify an existing recipe.

Park NX-HDM provides these :

  • Auto, semi-auto, and manual mode
  • Editable measurement method for each
    automated procedure
  • Live monitoring of the measurement process
  • Automatic analysis of acquired measurement data

Ionization System for a more stable
scanning environment

Our innovative ionization system quickly and
effectively removes electrostatic charges in your
sample's environment. Since the system
always generates and maintains the ideal balance
of positive and negative ions, it can create an
extremely stable charge environment with little
contamination of the surrounding area and
minimal risk of accidental electrostatic charge
during sample handling.

  • Auto, semi-auto, and manual mode
  • Editable measurement method for each
    automated procedure
  • Live monitoring of the measurement process
  • Automatic analysis of acquired measurement data